For instance how can I use my * SSL certs and NPM to route containers to a subdomain without exposing them? The main domain is exposed.
For instance how can I use my * SSL certs and NPM to route containers to a subdomain without exposing them? The main domain is exposed.
You need a DNS service that works with Let’s encrypt
NPM is in my post…
I don’t get it. Npm is a package manager. It doesn’t handle certificates.
You need a DNS service like route 53 (AWS) or similar where let’s encrypt connects via an API and creates the DNS token.
OP isn’t referring to the package manager. They’re talking about Nginx Proxy Manager
That makes sense. We need to stop making two things use the same acronym. Its like people saying HA for home assistant without realizing that HA is normally used for high availability.
I believe there are also the acronyms hass for homeassistant or HAOS for homeassistant OS.