I’ve also got the Linux Basics for Hackers book but it’s at home while I’m on vacation.

I’m just really happy rn yall :) this install took some work, SecureBoot kept getting in the way and I’m not the most savvy person so there was a lot of Googling and trial and error in the way of getting here.

  • Retro_unlimited@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    When I bought a book on Linux, I followed it chapter by chapter then when I got to chapter 6 or something none of it matched my OS and I was lost again. It was really bad for a modern book.

    I did learn a lot from the book, but quite discouraged after getting lost there.

    About a year or 2 later I went full time in Linux after the windows Recall and their One drive was stealing all my files when it was disabled. I saw the sync icons all over my desktop with the computer idle. Last straw and I switched to Linux for good.