And as always with this meme: Both Windows and Linux can ask a process nicely to terminate or kill it outright. And the default for both is to ask nicely.
Because that’s better for the software, Linux however kills it outright when it doesn’t respond at all. Windows just… Waits. And you can’t really hardkill the processes from the task manager. Or at last my last knowledge is that.
League of Legends captures and discards the ALT-F4 keystroke combination.
Microsoft trusts app developers to use Microsoft’s standards (such as terminating the process when a close message is received) and they shouldn’t. App developers like Riot have taken advantage of this trust and tuned their apps to act differently than expected, and include code which makes the app minimize to the system tray instead, or force the user to answer questions (“Are you SURE you want to close?”), or do nothing at all.
Linux programs can also capture signal calls. They usually only capture sigints so that they can close gracefully, but theoretically you could also capture a sigkill.
on windows a process can get in a state so that it is impossible to make it go away, even with process explorer or process hacker. mostly this also involves the bugged software becoming unusable.
I encounter such a situation from time to time. one way it could happen is if the USB controller has got in an invalid state, which one of my pendrives can semi-reliably reproduce. when that happens, any process attempting to deal with that device or its FS, even the built-in program to remove the drive letter, will stop working and hang as an unkillable process.
And as always with this meme: Both Windows and Linux can ask a process nicely to terminate or kill it outright. And the default for both is to ask nicely.
Next, you’ll tell me I shouldn’t get all my news from memes!
Well, with linux you get the option of sending mixed signals through the use of varying count of guns. I find 9 to be highly effective.
Because that’s better for the software, Linux however kills it outright when it doesn’t respond at all. Windows just… Waits. And you can’t really hardkill the processes from the task manager. Or at last my last knowledge is that.
League of Legends captures and discards the ALT-F4 keystroke combination.
Microsoft trusts app developers to use Microsoft’s standards (such as terminating the process when a close message is received) and they shouldn’t. App developers like Riot have taken advantage of this trust and tuned their apps to act differently than expected, and include code which makes the app minimize to the system tray instead, or force the user to answer questions (“Are you SURE you want to close?”), or do nothing at all.
It should be punishable by death.
Linux programs can also capture signal calls. They usually only capture sigints so that they can close gracefully, but theoretically you could also capture a sigkill.
You cannot catch SIGKILL.
on windows a process can get in a state so that it is impossible to make it go away, even with process explorer or process hacker. mostly this also involves the bugged software becoming unusable.
I encounter such a situation from time to time. one way it could happen is if the USB controller has got in an invalid state, which one of my pendrives can semi-reliably reproduce. when that happens, any process attempting to deal with that device or its FS, even the built-in program to remove the drive letter, will stop working and hang as an unkillable process.