Many projects ask to share lots of logs when reporting issues. It’s difficult to go through all the logs and redact informarion such as usernames, environment variabled etc.
Any ideas on how to anonymize logs before sharing? Change your username to something generic?
For me this typically involves doing a search&replace for my username, hostname, and IP addres(es)
This can also be mitigated by using a username and/or hostname that doesn’t leak private data.
No need to make your username your real name, or make your hostname contain anything more revealing than say “living room thinkpad”
Also, both hostname and username might fit a company schema that you want to anonymize.
A tool would actually be so good to have, it’s such a common thing that we don’t even think about it much. You sparked my curiosity so I tried to search if there was one and it seems there is a project out there: loganon, though it’s long dead unfortunately
“boosted” this for visibility. Perhaps random devs will take interest.