Nice try, but not this time. I think it is because it was the second word in the paragraph, I didn’t get to start reading before it stoped. If the word switch had started on the second line so I had got up to speed with my reading do I think I would had been tricked haha
I actually didn’t get fooled by the first line, but I did by all the rest.
I’m dyslexic, so this shit is standard for me.
I v read wrong only first line should i be worry
What if I told you that the whole universe is made from this kind of semiconscious misreading?
Are you trying to tell me this spoon isn’t real?
Ha ha, yes. But seriously. Reality is like a squirrel wrapped in a sock stuck in a mitten enclosed in a shoebox wrapped in carpet wrapped in tinfoil. We look at the tinfoil and say “reality”. It is and it isnt.
Meditation is good for penetrating the layers. Even the squirrel isn’t ultimate
read you line every this normal is will to but readingly
No, I read it right. You wrote it wrong
You sonova bitch. You tryna die?
Brain.exe is a lie
It happens everybody to.
What if I told you you that you you didn’t even notice the Ws?
Can someone fix that syntax error so I can get to the next line?
I have a spare semicolon you can borrow.
As non native English speaker, who scrutinizes every word before reading it, I didn’t read anything wrong. I just got a bit confused as to why the sentences weren’t correct. 😂
I’m a non-native too but i still got duped
ADHD here, too. Maybe that’s why? Lol
ADHD here too, and I had to read it 4 times to notice anything wrong. I thought the troll was that there wasn’t anything wrong
You’d be wrong. I expected it by the third line.