And their newest feature is allowing every user to put in their credit card info and buy MS products on the company domain without running it by IT. It’s called “self service”, enabled by default, and you have to click on a slider to disable it individually for every. single. product. Microsoft. offers.
It’s maddening, cause it’s so blindingly obvious what went on in their minds when they implemented it that way.
“If just 0.1% of the users do that, it’ll make us $XX million. Can you design a popup for it that we can show all users when they open Teams?”
It tells me as an admin that the software I manage as my career isn’t designed to be useful anymore. It’s only designed to extract the maximum amount of money.
LMAO that is a special kind of pathetic
It’s maddening, cause it’s so blindingly obvious what went on in their minds when they implemented it that way.
“If just 0.1% of the users do that, it’ll make us $XX million. Can you design a popup for it that we can show all users when they open Teams?”
It tells me as an admin that the software I manage as my career isn’t designed to be useful anymore. It’s only designed to extract the maximum amount of money.