I’ve been seeing this meme format for years and it still makes absolutely no sense to me.
It started off with something like
"People say: X
Object in meme says: y!"
Someone made a meme saying
Object in meme says: y"
And it was amusing
Then EVERYONE did it and now you might as well not even have the top part anymore.
Example of original style:
But what does Nobody: mean? How does it relate to the second part of the meme? Why is it funny??? I’m still confused.
As far as I understand it’s supposed to mean the whatever thing is uncalled for.
It is terribly worded, so it’s unnecessarily confusing and unclear, but it means ‘nobody says (or does) anything’, thus indicating that the second action is unprompted.
Thank you. I’m getting some slightly different answers here though so I wonder if everyone even agrees on what this means.
Nobody followed by blank means that nobody else is saying, doing, or thinking of whatever the last subject is doing
I love that the Evergreen State College Geoducks has “let it all hang out” spelled in Latin on their crest.
Hey little boy, what you’ve got there?
Kind sir, it’s a mollusk I’ve found.
Did you find it in the sandy ground?
Does it emulate the ocean sound?
Well, if molluscs developed a human-like civilisation, they would be very suprised that human’s copulatory organs resemble their breathing siphones.