In case of a C-section, they are born without their consent (implying that they would rather grow up inside the womb :P (look, idk what babies think when they don’t come out, but we sure aren’t asking them whether they’d rather stay in there))
I am trying sooo hard to come up with a point without bringing up the chemical-transification of children, without their parent’s approval, which has been following them being mislead by pro-trans (as in “go become trans because all your problems are your gender”) evangelists.
Babies are conceived without their consent.
In case of a C-section, they are born without their consent (implying that they would rather grow up inside the womb :P (look, idk what babies think when they don’t come out, but we sure aren’t asking them whether they’d rather stay in there))
Obviously the notable, unusual, unethical thing here is the non-consentual gene editing, not the mere occurence of birth
I am trying sooo hard to come up with a point without bringing up the chemical-transification of children, without their parent’s approval, which has been following them being mislead by pro-trans (as in “go become trans because all your problems are your gender”) evangelists.
My apologies, I didn’t realize I was speaking with a lunatic.