Greatest Generation, the one that killed Nazis, was cringe?
Gen beta is based by this graph
As a zoomer myself, I’m afraid that this graph is inaccurate
my parents are gen x and they are not based at all
Gen Z is the most cringe since the boomers. Your shit is breaking down into farts.
Lots of groupings here. Applying current generational words as well. Good work!
ITT: people taking a shitpost WAY too seriously
I’m gonna take a wild guess and assume this graph was created by a GenZ’er as they are the only people in the world who don’t consider GenZ’ers cringe.
Super cringe to say cringe unironically in 2025. Clearly, OP must be either silent generation or gen X because they called them based. Gen Z know not to say cringe anymore. I would like to say shut the fuck but that is a waste of energy as OP is probably one of the silent generation, which I conclude based on the fact that OP refuses to elaborate on this post, which is a clear indicator that OP is silent.
No u
Idk kinda cringe
Generational warfare is pretty cringe. The chart isn’t even right, too. X was the highest percentage voting for trump generationally. I’m ashamed of my brethren.
Gen X is actually cringe and millennials are based.
No, this has nothing to do with me being a millennial. It’s cringe to even suggest that.
I agree, being a millennial, and having to see the cringe gen x elon musk news daily.
Gen Z is pure cringe gangang
Things zzzzzzzz’s say