Reminds me of the story about how Claude Sonnet (computer use) got bored while doing work and started looking at pictures of Yellowstone:
Our misanthropy of cubicle culture is infectious.
I’m so tired, somebody please help.
Hahahaha get a load of this guy. He thinks he gets to retire ahahahhahaha
Nope, your World looks like this:
Now stop dallying and get to work.
Walls? What company is this?
Looks a lot like the cubes at my old company. Fun Fact, as far as I know, i was the first employee to ever build a roof for my cubical. It took them months to notice because of my out of the way location…
65? What Utopian country is that?
In Germany it’s work until you die. Boomers chill from 65. We will work well into our 70s 💅
*men work until they die.
Women don’t.
In Sweden it’s 62-65.
In Finland it’s 65-68, however retirement system is likely to collapse before my actual retirement age, so I “retired” last summer at 28.
How do you do that?
Both grandparents died last spring, shitty as it is, at least I don’t have to break my back at a timbermill anymore.
in finland you can choose not to work or do anything, and the government pays you just enough so you can eat and have a roof over your head
65? boy have you been out of the loop.
Look at Richie McMoneybags over here living in his Socialist utopia where he doesn’t have to keep working until he keels over dead on the clock.
nature reminds us that work is not the center of everything. but under capitalist, profit-driven, exploitative-based structures, it is better that we ignore this truth.
Corporations have figured out how to make indentured servitude look good and reasonable with your credit card debt, taxes you can’t evade like they can, bills and healthcare “benefits” added to your permanent and relentless tab alongside meager time off so the C suites can fly on private jets, lobby against your livelihood and hope you are none the wiser bc most ppl are.
Humans: “I love nature.”
Also Humans: “Let’s live and work in concrete boxes stacked into the sky!”
We’re working on 7-8billion people on this tiny little rock. We all need to be living in dense urban setups. This entitlement most of us have is ridiculous. We are straight up ruining this planet with our endless suburbs and desire to own a chunk of wilderness. As if our own enjoyment and personal appreciation is a virtue worth the destruction we wreak with our presence.
Al Gore said it best, it’s an inconvenient truth.
Just because it’s the most efficient way for all of us to live doesn’t mean it’s good for us. There are too many humans for this planet to support. We need to reduce the population ethically. Stop having kids.
I agree about the population, however Im not sure living in an apartment building is unhealthy. Or at least it doesn’t have to be. I am sure endless suburbs of detached single family housing, surrounded by seas of asphalt and treated lawns is.
If the people who lived in apartment buildings automatically co-owned the building, and landlords were illegal, then I’d be OK with it. Suburbs should be illegal. Everywhere people live should look and operate like downtowns. Healthy small businesses right below attractive apartments and all beautiful architecture.
But I also don’t think people should be prevented from living in rural, even isolated areas. Some of us simply are unsuited for it. But it shouldn’t be illegal. Only extreme wealth, landlords and owning more than, say, 3 nice houses should be illegal.
I’m with ya on not being a serf in some neo-feudal hellscape we increasingly find ourselves in. Fuck paying rent to never own anything. Fuck landlords who add zero value to anything. I’m all about the denser commercial residential mash up.
But where do you draw the line? Living rurally I mean. We have a tendency to frame these things by what’s fair to the individual. I think we ought to be asking what’s fair to the earth, the eco system, what’s fair to the generations to come? One or two people hanging in the woods isn’t a problem, but there’s 8 billion of us. In my region the suburbs don’t end. They pitter out into ever less dense housing. Everyone with a car, with miles of pavement to drive them on. Innumerable leaky septic tanks, endless lawns that leak pesticides and fertilizer. And everyone feeling it’s their inalienable right to do so, a virtue to be lauded even. We’re just a fucking disaster.
I’d challenge everyone to look inward and ask what they feel entitled to, and the price in environmental degradation they’re willing to inflict on the rest of us and future generations get it.
Don’t worry, we’re working on making the earth look WAY shittier so you can work your 9-5 without worrying about missing out on anything.
This. A lot of the earth doesn’t look like this. And a lot of normal jobs are actively making it worse. Like, unfortunately you don’t need to work for Nestle to be a part of that.
I’m not blaming any minimum wage worker at Amazon or retail or in factories of course. They got no choice. We live in a system where unemployment is ultimately better for the planet than a significant portion of jobs.
I mean, there are ways to go and work there instead.
Not as many as there used to be.
No but if it’s that important to you, go and apply. Become a park ranger, become a forester. The power is yours.
There’s enough available jobs for all 8 billion of us? Awesome!
People used to have more free time. But today we have graphics cards.
I don’t know that many people who can afford a graphics card anymore though.
I don’t think anyone has the time anymore to enjoy their graphic cards they already own.
Looks like glacier national Park
The purpose of life is to sit in a cubicle and work to destroy this for the sake of shareholder profits. It’s a very efficient system
Sacrifice more time on this planet to the global suicide machine, so you can buy toys
Ooo! I like toys