I don’t smoke but I thought they were biodegradable. Can you put them in the regular trash? I thought it was a firehazard. Where I work there are ash trays next to all the trash cans. But thank you for not being a littering piece of shit. I take bottles home and recycle them instead of throwing them away at work. People seem to think its bizzare.
I don’t smoke but I thought they were biodegradable. Can you put them in the regular trash? I thought it was a firehazard. Where I work there are ash trays next to all the trash cans. But thank you for not being a littering piece of shit. I take bottles home and recycle them instead of throwing them away at work. People seem to think its bizzare.
Definitely not, the filters are plastic. Joint butts will generally be biodegradable though, as paper/cardboard filters are more common there.
Putting a lot butt into a regular trash can is a fire hazard, but as long as you put it out first it’s fine