unrelated to the cut, but I got myself a small pre-sliced kit of Iberico ham, wholly holy hell I think I may have ruined myself on my discount charcuterie. Now I am having internal debates of the worthiness of buying a whole leg and having the arguments of justifying the costs to my wife.
Presunto/jámon will cure over time and become harder and denser in flavour. Cutting it straight from the leg is also a learned skill and a good knife to do it is also advisable. But you get a bone from which you can make an awsome feijoada.
The way that jamón is cut makes me wanna cry a little
unrelated to the cut, but I got myself a small pre-sliced kit of Iberico ham, wholly holy hell I think I may have ruined myself on my discount charcuterie. Now I am having internal debates of the worthiness of buying a whole leg and having the arguments of justifying the costs to my wife.
Presunto/jámon will cure over time and become harder and denser in flavour. Cutting it straight from the leg is also a learned skill and a good knife to do it is also advisable. But you get a bone from which you can make an awsome feijoada.
Came to say this. The way they cut that ham is a punishable by jail crime in Spain.