
“Pretty shitty how baseline human activities like singing, dancing, and making art got turned into skills instead of being seen as behaviors, so now it’s like ‘the point of doing them is to get good at them’ and not ‘this is a thing humans do, the way birds sing and bees make hives.’”

    7 days ago

    It’s commodified in terms of social media. Either “for sale” literally, if indirectly, through monetization (which is increasingly the goal for many people) or not-quite-literally in the sense of likes/social media attention. The act of dancing in this context, for instance, is no longer done as an expression of genuine emotion or to connect with people or express oneself, but instead being traded for clicks, monetized or not.

    In that regard, even if not personally affected, I think that consumer culture can and has taken the purpose of human experience away from many and twisted it from experience as experience to experience as performance.

    Edit: to expand on a dance being commodified: a TikTok dance has to be learned by consuming TikTok. That is the product: the content around the dance. Then the user further contributes to the commodification by entering their own content into the marketplace (TikTok). Whether the user makes money or not does not change the fact that this content is for sale by TikTok. TikTok gets more viewers and trades viewership for advertising revenue.

      6 days ago

      I guess I’m not seeing a reduction in the number of people doing these things for themselves: drawing because they like to draw, taking photographs because they like the craft, lifting weights because they want to get stronger, baking sourdough because they want to reconnect with old traditions, foraging mushrooms because they find it interesting. Yes, some of these things happen on social media, which also may influence what hobbies or pastimes or projects people take on, but if that’s what you mean by commodification, then that has been part of the human condition for as long as people have been social and have had free time.