Because this needs to be a regular thing, come forward warriors and announce the feats you have achieved! For the glory of the Empire!
I planted many flower, herb and tomato seeds in trays, according to the directions on the packets! FTGOTE
May your harvest be bountiful, for the glory of the Empire!
An empty bladder is one less concern for the warrior in battle! Glory awaits you!
I beat my meat for the glory of the empire
Even self indulgence is to be respected, of not excessive. The Empire grants you glory.
I showed my wife memes FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Strengthening the bonds inside your house is a noble undertaking, strengthening the house as a whole! Glory to you and your house!
You broaden the knowledge of your mate! Glory to your house!
i caught the bus for the glory of the empire
Public transportation makes the core of the Empire’s strength, for an Empire uncapable of moving its warriors swiflty is a weak one! Glory to you name!
Scooped the litter box for the glory of the empire!
your feline warriors will cherish this display of solidarity in battle
Thanks for bringing this back. I really needed it this week.
I called Central Supply to inform them we’re running low on the sanitizing wipes we use to clean our desks FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The Empire marches to your aid! Glory to the warriors!
Point out the comma in this meme is superfluous* FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
* It would have been fine with no punctuation, or you could use an ellipsis… if you want to indicate a pause.My house hails from another planet colony. We enjoy our punctuation. FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Chewed around the pit of the date I was eating and put it in the garbage FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
I attempted to hail a member of my clan, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
How are they doing, by the way? I spoke with Bob last week, and he told me to tell you GLORY TO YOU AND YOUR HOUSE!
Earlier this evening I expelled warm wet air through a curved metal tube with holes in it, for the glory of the Empire! Kaplah!
I got eight and a half hours of sleep FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The rested warrior is to be feared, as the mind is made sharp and the body fresh and ready for another battle! Glory to you and your house!
I held our cat while my wife trimmed its nails FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
Damn, dude. We were just looking for minor tales of valor and not harrowing survival accounts. I assume you’re okay, because you’re at least able to type. Imagine clipping the nails of one of the deadliest predators of all time as a domestic routine because it lives in your home. I have no words, except, GLORY TO YOU AND YOUR HOUSE!
As a fellow cat-holder while your spouse trims their claws, Glory to you and your House!
I salute your bravery and the blood you spilled, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Glory to your name! You stood strong to make tame the most dangerous of beasts that share the warriors house and helped tending for its well being!
I enjoyed a chocolate muffin and black tea at 3 am! For the glory of the Empire!
A light meal to endure the rigours of the haunting darkness. Very wise. Glory to your name!
Glory to you… and your hoouuuuse
For the glory of the Empire!