Ya, unsubbed a while ago. I feel like he repeats everything 2-3 times throughout the video - like we’ve all forgotten what he said just a few minutes ago. He uses also uses so many words in a single sentence, just to seemingly pad the runtime.
No way I could sit through 30-45 minutes of that anymore, and no way those videos needed to be that long.
It’s to bad, because I otherwise like topics and presentation.
This is RealLifeLore for me, it used to be great. But now he makes his point in 10-15 minutes and what the hell are the remaining 30 minutes for?!
not only him, but his circle of friends too
Real engeneering, Mustard, Wendover, and probably some others I’m forgetting
I like what Wendover has going on overall with HAI, Jetlag, etc. but the Wendover channel itself I don’t watch as much anymore.
Ya, unsubbed a while ago. I feel like he repeats everything 2-3 times throughout the video - like we’ve all forgotten what he said just a few minutes ago. He uses also uses so many words in a single sentence, just to seemingly pad the runtime.
No way I could sit through 30-45 minutes of that anymore, and no way those videos needed to be that long.
It’s to bad, because I otherwise like topics and presentation.