It would be prudent for a sentient species with such long lifespans to practice planned procreation rather than multiplying exponentially like a culture on a petri dish.
There’s the Elven Rope that’s light as a feather and strong as steel. No reason there could not have been the Elven Condom that’s thin and impermeable.
No, I blame Tolkien and his literally making elves only bang for the purpose of procreation because he’s a repressed Catholic weirdo sometimes.
Jokes on him, modern society has agreed elves are hos.
It would be prudent for a sentient species with such long lifespans to practice planned procreation rather than multiplying exponentially like a culture on a petri dish.
There’s the Elven Rope that’s light as a feather and strong as steel. No reason there could not have been the Elven Condom that’s thin and impermeable.
Fair enough, but I think we can agree that Tolkien elves were bad at planning
Some would say 40k maybe went a little too far in the opposite direction with dark elves.