Everybody has a test environment, but some people also have a seperate production environment
I should put this on a sign next to the blinkenlights one
a junior dev asked me one time about our dev test environments. I chuckled before starting to look him dead in the eyes for 50 seconds straight without saying a single word, but my lips quivering. he had audible gasps as if to speak, but was ultimately speechless the entire time. he understood though. I could tell from the 1ml tear that formed only on his left eye. he pushed. prod crashed. we stayed late on a friday. management ordered pizza. I’m lonely and I love pizza. was all part of the plan.
Is this a copy pasta?
no. it’s my personal experience.
Do you want it to be a copypasta?
it has been released to the ether
Username checks out.
I love pizza.
What about chicken? 😏
You can put chicken, on pizza.
(That comma has no business being there, but it doesn’t read right without it.)
You can put chicken, on pizza.
Chickens love pizza too
Test environments are for Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers?
Fail early fail once.
Hey, it’s perfectly possible to create a catastrophic test environment.
mOvE FAsT aNd bREaK THinGs
I want Musk, Zuckerberg, and Bezos on the same rocket. Also I want a spectacular fireworks display!
I too am in favor of these two completely separate events. But I would settle for tax reform and repealing citizens United.
Hey now, when you test in production…
… you gotta aim for the stars.
Challenging, but spectacular.
You’re remembered for the rules you break.
Note: A more updated picture is not available, as we never found his ultra compressed remains.
The ocean:
tar -cvjSf thatDude.tar.bz2 thatDudeecho -n thatDude | sha256sum
Yo dude’s so compressed, his checksum is 1! laugh track
Integration tests? More like disintegration tests
Real men end up in my office for 30-45 minutes straight being yelled at like I’m some 80s police chief.
You’re a itchy trigger finger, and I swear to God I’ll have your ssh keys on my desk if you push to production again. Now get out… and don’t let the door hit you on your ass on your way out!
Then there’s my boss who’s like just merge it and we’ll figure it out. I’m constantly asking him if we should maybe do some user testing, or for the love of God set up a staging environment.
I have to test the everloving fuck out of everything I do but cause I know it isn’t going to get reviewed or tested by anyone but me. I guess that’s why he keeps doing it, because very little actually breaks anything but it’s definitely giving me more grey hair lol
How… how do you work like that.
Carefully, I expect
Oh nonono. Real men rest in rest. Then push to stage for QA testing, then flip blue green to go to prod.
Anything else is insane.
Yes, I test in production and so should you
- Charity Majors
Explosive if true
You mean…. Implosive?