the last one references the Thing I think. What about the 2 former ones?
Also this meme made me notice the reference to Lovecraft’s at the Mountains of Madness. There is a McMurdo Sound, which I now cannot think about without hearing Wayne June’s beautiful voice in my head. RIP.
the last one references the Thing I think. What about the 2 former ones?
Also this meme made me notice the reference to Lovecraft’s at the Mountains of Madness. There is a McMurdo Sound, which I now cannot think about without hearing Wayne June’s beautiful voice in my head. RIP.
The second one is from starship troopers. Basically without spoiling a lot they got tricked into going there and got cornered.
One is Starship Troopers and the other is from Aliens.
The middle one looks like Starship Troopers.