The only thing I can see in these posts is the cowardice of those who originally posted them on a platform where you seriously can’t say fucking “shit”
Actual Reality as a Deaf Person:
Recieves Voice message
Dude I’m deaf Remember
Other Person: Nah forget it no way I’m typing all that down
Me: :(
Have you considered that this person is just an asshole. I don’t even know anyone who uses voice messages, maybe some that use the speech to text feature to send a message. But voice messages aren’t a real way to communicate IMO. If they want to talk to me they’re gonna have to call me, so I can casually ignore it since I hate answering the phone.
In my region / generation they are really common. I’d say 1/10 messages in a group chat would be a voice message.
Yes, assholes are common in lots of places.
Me, not a deaf person
Receives voixmce message
never bothers playing it
People in Brazil love leaving WhatsApp voice mail… I’ve literally never listened to one. Please just text me por favor.
my carrier provides me a service where it puts my voicemails in text form and I could never go back
if you are deaf then how did u read the messages
hahha funny
Voice message transcription could probably be a pretty good accessibility-feature for chat apps, I think.
I know its a absolute wonky workaround but you could use a second phone and enable google speech input – or an FOSS alternative: FUTO Voice Input (Local LLM Model that works pretty great. Better than google imo. Is better finding the correct words and also putting logical punctiation. – as in when should a comma or dot appear.)
Now you enable speech input on one phone and playback the voice message of the dude on the other end. Now you got all the text.
Holy fucking shit. I almost was fucking exposed to a fucking swear word on the fucking Internet by some asshole cunt. That motherfucking bitch didn’t know it’s fucking illegal to fucking swear on the fucking Internet. Thank fucking god someone erased most of two letters making it impossible to read the word “shit”. I was about to shit a fucking brick.
This is getting so tired. Take it up with Facebook.
Take it up with the little bitches trying to optimize SEO.
Why the fuck are people censoring simple words like that
Weak ass cowards trying to go along to get along that have no inkling of resistance. They’re going to censor themselves into goose stepping.
There are americans on the internet. What if they see a bad word or 3/4 of a boob?
Wait, there are boobs on the Internet?