Hello tracy… its me, harriet tubman.
Watched this episode on Friday, best line of the episode! 😁💙
It’s on my bucket list to do this someday.
I miss this show u_u
Me too. It needed another 10 seasons and a movie trilogy.
can others not tell who’s coming by the pattern and sound of their footsteps? i can recognise my mum’s footsteps really easily
Depends how well you know the person. I know my work wife is coming even when people are yelling and machines are running around me, but if Ben doesn’t say something when he walks up behind me I’ll have no idea he’s there
yeah that’s fair. i always assumed that common TV trope was meant to convey that the two people know each other so well they can recognise each other just by their footsteps, so i was a bit confused by this parody of it
I think it’s a spectrum, and the high foot traffic in public places can throw people off.
This is one of my favorite jokes in the whole series. And I’m now realizing why I like this similar Chris and Jack (and Dante Brasco) sketch so much.
Enjoying the spate 30 Rock content today!
It is truly the pinnacle of theater.