Hey y’all! Scott here.
Oh is that the new Games on the Shelf Employee? I hope he has Gex.
ive never ran into this
Tap for spoiler
Because i don’t visit those shit sites
Firefox mobile - check “Desktop Site”
And their app is just a wrapper for a webpage anyway.
It is a wrapper where content blockers can’t be installed, unlike a browser.
Except now the app pushes ads to you through notifications.
And it wants permissions to:
- Camera
- Microphone
- Location
- Media
- Contacts
- Call History
- Read SMS Messages
- Make and Receive Calls
…And will throw an absolute hissy fit and refuse to load without explanation if you deny any of them.
U forgot about search history. It’s one of the most outrageous things that I cannot think of a legitimate use of it.
AND harvests more data from your phone!
Came here to say this exact thing.
Doesn’t matter, the app has access to a unique device ID as well as an advertising id that the os provides free of charge without any user prompt! And that happens on both iOS and Android! How magnificent
You know you can just delete your advertising ID on Android without an issue
I shouldn’t have to do that.
Explain how!
On my phone (Pixel 8 running Android 15):
Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Privacy controls -> Ads -> Delete advertising ID
On mine it just has “get new advertising ID”
EDIT: apparently this means I didn’t have one