I’ll sell for no less than $10.
No lowballers, I know what I got.
5 genuine United States dollars
I’ll sell for no less than $10.
Is this a good deal? Someone who’s good at eggonomics pls help
It was a good deal yesterday, eggs have inflated to $10 each now…
This is good for eggcoin.
foam egg carton
What manner of single use plastic hell is this?!
For the love of gaia, try some cardboard. It literally grows on trees!
Before this post, I’ve never seen egg cartons that weren’t just some sort of cardboard.
The cheapest eggs at my US grocery store are almost always in that awful styrofoam. Clear plastic egg cartons are really common too.
Just… why?
Surely it costs more than the cardboard, it’s not like egg cartons are made from quality board, it’s reconstituted ‘crap’ that’s just enough to hold together supporting a dozen eggs.
Plastic and Styrofoam are cheaper.
OP here. Yeah, I don’t know why either, but it seems most eggs in my area come in these plastic/styrofoam cartons. Not in 2 packs like my post though, I cut that out of what was an 18 pack, as a wallet to protect my money, obviously.
Maybe it allows them to stack more eggs on top of each other without shelves without as many breaking or something?
Not saying it’s a good idea, just speculating why anyone would even think to do it.
Either that, or they just want microplastics in all our foods… 🤷♂️
The chicken that laid the
goldeneggs.Hold. In a week you’ll have $7
Hard boiled currency.
I will give you a really nice hat for the $5. Like REALLY nice
No sale, but thanks for the offer 👍
But it was worn by Mr. Werberjegermanjensen. He was #1!
LOL, just wait until tomorrow when I get out dressed in my best black clothes, including black trenchcoat and hat…
Let’s see if they float!
They’re not ducks…
Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?
They’re hard boiled, so I might joke around with folks for the next few days or so…
Good thing you wrote the value on the eggs so even americas get it.
The entire plot of the Jack London story “The One Thousand Dozen” from The Faith of Men pivots on eggs being $1 apiece
Jokes aside I find it interesting that the US still uses paper money
Okay. May I ask what countries don’t?
I mean even if it’s falling out of favor, still, I have not heard of any countries to completely abandon paper cash.
I believe they meant that they are surprised our banknotes aren’t made of plastic or a more durable material as Canadian dollars are - rather than the other possible interpretation, referring to a cashless economy.
Many countries are transitioning from paper money for example the UK, Australia have somewhat eliminated paper currency. There is more but I can’t think off the top of my head and I do have multiple foreign notes that are not paper.
Edit: Canada, Vietnam, New Zealand, Brunei, Maldives, Vanuatu, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Romania….
All have either switched or are transitioning into polymer money, there is more but that’s just to name a few. I think it’s interesting what type of currency other countries use.
Yeah, the USA is generally transitioning away from paper currency as well, but it’s definitely still a thing.
Even if countries decide to totally stop making paper money, they should still accept money still in circulation of noted value for quite a long time.
True you’d like to think that, but countries like the UK for example have made paper money obsolete meaning you can no longer use them as legal tender.
I believe Australia have a similar process as well. And like you say they should accept paper money for a while but I can see some countries just well just making paper money obsolete
China doesn’t, but yeah, what could go wrong with the authoritarian government tracking every transaction you make