I’ve been on holiday from January 25th and go back to work on February 10th.
I’m doing great!
Good good, updated a vaccination I needed to update, got food, and now on lunch break.
Completely frazzled right now. Trying to hold it together. I’m in the US, and to maintain my mental health I’ve sworn off news. Seriously, 10 minutes of the news and my heart rate is up and I’m genuinely worried about my and my wife’s jobs. Shutting it out has allowed me to focus on a Crit Sit at work while I have 3 other customers biding for my time. I know being heavily in demand doesn’t mesh with my previous statement, but my company could be heavily affected by cheeto’s current flavor of “foreign policy.”
I hear you. It’s a horrible train wreck. I’m the import buyer at my work. It still won’t make sense to move any manufacturing here, it’s just still too costly. So our prices go up, and we are a luxury item. Not sure how that will fare long term.
All good on my side, it’s sunny where I live today ☀️
With snow on the ground or without it?
Without it!
That’s impressive. The roads are sadly still slippery where I live. I don’t dislike Winter, but that’s definitely a downside.
Procrastinating at work, while trying to come with some lie about previous three days of procrastination before a meeting.
Tired. Worked ten and a half hours yesterday. Went to bed early but my ankles are still feeling it.
If I can peel myself off the couch in the next ten minutes I’m gonna get an hour of pec exercises in before work. That’s a big if though, because my cat is asleep beside me right now and she’s soooo cute.
Hanging in there. Just froze all my credit reports. I’ve worked too long and too hard to have it damaged. Just horrible watching what is going on. I cannot wait for the next two years to get over with.
Fried. Work is manic, I’ve been dealt a bad hand in a game I didn’t know I was playing, and I don’t get paid nearly enough to deal with it.
I stopped going to counselling recently too, and I’m sort of regretting that too.
But the sun isn’t setting at 4pm any more, and I’ve got some time off over the next few weeks so hopefully I can recharge and un-anxiety my brain, if I ever get some time to myself to fix up my bicycle and get some KMs in my legs.