Nurse Chapel = Number One = ship’s computer = Lwaxana = Gene’s wife = Majel Barrett = First Lady of Star Trek
I think the order should be …
Majel Barrett Hudec = Gene’s wife girlfriend = Majel Barrett = Number One = Nurse Chapel = ship’s computer = Gene’s wife = Lwaxana = First Lady of Star Trek
… as controversial and questionable as her beginnings were and her relationship with Gene while he was married at the time, I still love what she became and what she did and represented for the Star Trek franchise during her lifetime. She is an amazing woman that came out of a difficult period for women and minorities that would have had to fight every step of the way to become who she was.
Nurse Chapel = Number One = ship’s computer = Lwaxana = Gene’s wife = Majel Barrett = First Lady of Star Trek
I think the order should be …
BarrettHudec = Gene’swifegirlfriend = Majel Barrett = Number One = Nurse Chapel = ship’s computer = Gene’s wife = Lwaxana = First Lady of Star Trek… as controversial and questionable as her beginnings were and her relationship with Gene while he was married at the time, I still love what she became and what she did and represented for the Star Trek franchise during her lifetime. She is an amazing woman that came out of a difficult period for women and minorities that would have had to fight every step of the way to become who she was.
With Lucy as Star Trek’s savior.