Is anyone actually surprised by this?

  • Snot
    1 month ago

    Everyone does it, so it’s not a big deal after all

    …and I think that’s you completely misreading what people are saying.

    We’re saying that it’s bunk for the corporate media to portray it as this dangerous thing when they refuse to report similarly on US companies doing the same with the same ferocity.

    I think most people agree with you, that our privacy protections are fucking abysmal and no company should be being allowed to do this stuff. Hell, that’s like the entire thrust of Ed Zitron’s entire fucking blog: that none of these companies should get away with this.

    It’s like when Facebook got fined a paltry sum for being caught lying about their video metrics and literally putting businesses like CollegeHumor out of business because they “pivoted to facebook video” to grab those high metrics… which never materialized because Facebook was ratfucking lying to people. They should have been shut down and put out of business for that, not fined less than they made ripping off people.

    People are sick of the companies here getting a pass, and the media gives them a pass. It’s more that you can’t make freaked out headlines like this about TikTok and DeepSeek and not understand that everyone is rolling their fucking eyes because we’re all like “it’s no worse than what US companies already do to us.” That doesn’t mean we like it or are okay with it. It means we’re rolling our eyes are a fucking insipid news media that’s obviously lying to us for the sake of private American companies profit, not because they care about rightfully informing American citizentry about what is happening.

    All of us fucking hate it, but what the fuck do you expect us as individuals to do about it? Folks like me have been voting Blue for 25 fucking years with fuck-all to show for it on issues like these. So why’s it our job to explain that we don’t support it, we just think it’s dumb as fuck when a foreign company is doing the same thing and now suddenly that’s evil, but our guys doing it is somehow fine. What we have issue with is the hypocrisy.

      1 month ago

      Dude, why is this guy getting so upset about the suggestion that people should be alarmed both by TikTok and also by the malicious behavior of all the other social media companies? And that the media should report more on it? Why is he yelling so much at me for making what I thought was that fairly reasonable suggestion?

      Folks like me have been voting Blue for 25 fucking years

      Oh. Um… what? What does that… okay.

      • Snot
        1 month ago

        I literally explained it pretty clearly.

        At this point its clear you want to misunderstand.

        Interesting that you took a few paragraphs with a handful of explitives thrown in as “yelling.”