I don’t like front-end development but I enjoy writing things by hand rather than rely on one-off classes. Even in my blog, I tend to write a lot of HTML manually throughout the post, like creating a quick container to put two images side-by-side and center them, making blockquotes, the occasional nested list, in-line CSS, etc…
I’ve written some of it in VSCode and Joplin but I didn’t find it comfortable to write in either of them. What editor/extensions do you use to make dealing with HTML easier? I’m currently looking at Emmet, but it looks a bit intimidating to learn.
Edit: I ended up using Emmet for writing HTML in general along with Espanso for quickly inserting some templates I use. It’s working out pretty well!
I use Vim, but I don’t really write pure HTML. I write Markdown and convert it into HTML as needed.
Markdown covers 95% of my HTML use cases, and I embed pure HTML into the Markdown for the last 5%.
My Markdown tools (mostly command line utilities such as Pandoc) handle HTML inside Markdown quite nicely. A few need a special “hey, there’s HTML in here, pass it through unchanged” command line flag, if I recall correctly.
In a few advanced cases I’ll use a variant of Jinja2 template syntax, and convert that into HTML - often with some converted Markdown mixed into it at build time.
Out of curiosity, what do you use to convert markdown to HTML?
There’s lots of good options. I currently prefer https://github.com/gomarkdown/mdtohtml
I think they said Pandoc. I have used that too some.
Yeah. Pandoc can get the job done as well, if I recall.