Building off of TPM’s Picard/Sisko meme.
Edit: Re-uploaded to add more badassery.
She’s my favorite Captain for a reason. Love this bad ass bitch.
Makes it even better when you realize AOC watched Voyager, loves Janeway and that Katey Mullgrew came out to support AOC.
Best fuckin Captain.
Hold up. Katie fucked her way across the Delta Quadrant just like any other respectable starfleet captain. She just was engaged at the beginning of the series so she had to wait for a Dear John letter first.
After she got that letter she was banging left and right. There was that devore guy and the guy in the factory they all got shanghai’d to. There was also the holo bartender. I’d bet there were a bunch of others that she just left out of her logs.
The letter could have been delivered more… dramatically:
Is no one going to mention she has the most babies of all the captains? Yes they are lizards, but that’s okay.
I think they were amphibians, not lizards!
Oh yeah lol.
- “that devore guy”: Didn’t recall their relationship going that far, but it does track.
- “the guy in the factory they all got shanghai’d to”: Literally forgot that guy existed lol. But she was mind wiped / brainwashed at the time, so was she really Janeway?
- “the holo bartender”: I remembered him, but am disregarding holodeck characters
I think she specifically left “that devore guy” high and dry lol
am disregarding holodeck characters
Holy crap, I was just starting to make this very meme! Well done!!