Believe it or not, this is a perfect time to leave a voice mail. The not answering spam calls I am normalized with, but the refusal to use voice mail for important calls is inexcusable.
There was a time where spam calls didn’t exist? I am pretty sure 2 seconds after Alexander Bell tested the first pair of phones, someone tried to sell him an extended warranty for his car.
This is what happens when you fail to reign in scam calls in any way for a decade plus.
Believe it or not, this is a perfect time to leave a voice mail. The not answering spam calls I am normalized with, but the refusal to use voice mail for important calls is inexcusable.
My voicemail box is full because I don’t have the heart to clear it, I have a bunch of old messages from my father who passed
You should try to get those saved somewhere else, they won’t last forever in voicemail and you could lose them.
I wish I had saved some of my father’s messages 😔
I don’t have a voicemail set up specifically because I don’t want to dial in to check it. If you’re a real person just text me to get my attention.
Dialing into your voicemail isn’t as common anymore. I think my carrier still allows me to do that, but mostly it’s all handled on my phone nowadays
I would not listen to it. Just send a text
Dunno about other countries, but in Brazil you have to pay to listen to your voicemail
There’s people out there who haven’t disabled their voice mail? Wild…
Three decades, easily
There was a time where spam calls didn’t exist? I am pretty sure 2 seconds after Alexander Bell tested the first pair of phones, someone tried to sell him an extended warranty for his car.
“Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see about extending your horseless carriage’s warranty”. - Definitely the first ever phone call.