My point is that the Death Star was annihilated almost instantly after posing its first real threat to any rebellion and heading to the next and Death Star 2 didn’t do shit. Starkiller Base achieved its goal. It destroyed every planet that was a seat of power and in opposition to them. Was taken offline very quickly so no follow up operations, like the Death Star, but in its first strike had already achieved more than any Death Star before. As we saw in The Last Jedi and in Rise of Skywalker, the Resistance was on the ropes and the First Order, in a single strike, managed to retake control of the galaxy at large.
My point is that the Death Star was annihilated almost instantly after posing its first real threat to any rebellion and heading to the next and Death Star 2 didn’t do shit. Starkiller Base achieved its goal. It destroyed every planet that was a seat of power and in opposition to them. Was taken offline very quickly so no follow up operations, like the Death Star, but in its first strike had already achieved more than any Death Star before. As we saw in The Last Jedi and in Rise of Skywalker, the Resistance was on the ropes and the First Order, in a single strike, managed to retake control of the galaxy at large.