I built a one-shot around this idea on a heavily-modded Tiny D6 system, letting people choose which of the 4 they wanted to be with variants like wealthy or scientific Victorian, captain or gunner pirate, disgraced or retired Samurai, cattle driver or 49’er, and so forth. I set it in San Francisco to get some good conflux of cultures.
Of my 4 players, 3 of them chose to be rich Victorians. facepalm
Was that the samurai that sent a fax to Abraham Lincoln?
Is that an event that occured?
don’t think so but it could have. the fax machine was patented in 1843, 22 years before Lincoln was shot, although the first commercial service was started up the same year he died.
There were gentleman thieves in the west too https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Bart_(outlaw)
I imagine he worked something like this
There’s a cowboy in Dracula
…that’s exactly where my imagination went first, and then onward to the league of extraordinary gentlemen, and then i started brainstorming elements for my eberron campaign…