Water displacement formula nr 40
Not to be taken as lube.
That advertisement would never be approved today.
I can’t see why not, that is exactly the type of humor their target demo uses
Awkward teens and dirty old men?
Nope not that, they claim it’s a lubricant.
It’s not a lubricant, it’s a penetrating fluid. Yeah ok it can act as a lubricant for a short while but you’d use it on parts that should be lubricated that have seized together to get them moving again so you can apply lubricant.
So they’d get done for false advertising.
1/4 to 1/3 of WD-40 is a petroleum base oil, and they make claims about its lubricating properties on their website and marketing material today.
Yeah but it’s not a proper lubricant and you shouldn’t use it as one. It’s a swiss-army knife: great in a pinch for a number of things but you wouldn’t want it to replace your whole tool box.
Because people can’t take a joke anymore.
It was never a real ad. It’s a pre-internet fax and photocopy meme redone for the web around 2014-ish.
Make a lube that rips off the WD-40 visuals but it’s called Wet Dick.
This is what toxic masculinity looks like.
Oh fuck right off. It’s a joke ad that never existed.
Want some real toxicity? Here:
Did that picture make your pussy hurt?
Literally just bought some for a nut lmao
It really is the best way to bust a stuck nut.
If you bust the nut, you’ll ruin the threads. It’s Kroil you’re after if you need a penetrant, then you can get as many nuts off as you want. Could be more fun if you ruin it a couple times though…
How do you feel about blaster? I had it recommended to me and some old spark plugs I hit it with came right out.