To be serious though, I was in a relationship because “hmm a bass player in a leather jacket”.
Someone send this to Davie504
(Don’t actually, he’s probably seen it all.)
B A S S !
SLAPP that button for more BASS 🤚
we make the asses shake. it is our role in society
Hey you know, those fingers are working those thick cords and getting a work out. So you know…those fingers can be pretty useful for other things if you know what I mean.
Don’t forget the quarter-inch callouses. Megusta.
Lile galloping, and shadow puppets, and that table top football game with a folded piece of paper, and
That’s bassism.
Which is worse, bassism or drumism?
Paul McCartney
Death from above 1979
Ok, but is that upright bass single?
William Murderface
Don’t forget Lemmy (Kilmister)
Never heard of them. Do they stream or something?
Yes, Nikki Sixx, notoriously poor, and girlfriendless bassist.
Being able to play funk music is a benefit.
Thanks Stilgar, that was funky.
Suddenly I’m visualizing a Dune version of Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes, playing funk, and presented in the visual style of the recent Denis Villeneuve films.
The Duncan Idaho version be something like “He’s a very useful clone. The kind you keep around foreva”
He’s a very kinky ghola…
Lol perfect
I find the opposite is true gender swapped. Nothing makes a girl more attractive to me than playing bass.
they don’t call her Este Bass Face for nothin
Ah, legend
🟪 boys
I recently ha a crush on Juna Serita.
Imo the only thing more attractive than a girl playing the bass is a girl playing funky bass :
How do you get more of that music?
I have to agree. Instant crush.
Do you know Igor and The Red Elvises? That bass balalaika, and ooh dang, THAT Bass Player!
They are great live. Have seen them several times and it’s always a good time.
fish fondler
Billy Bass has entered the chat.
Without bass there is no rhythm or soul the music sounds flat
Preaching to the choir, my guy
Metal drummer: hold my beer
Good bass does just as much as good drums for metal in my opinion. Here’s a good example of every part of a band with a chance to shine:
BEYOND CREATION - Omnipresent Perception:
Drums - 3:08
Guitar 1 - 3:49
Bass - 4:17
Guitar 2 - 4:45
Wouldn’t people want partners with demonstrable senses of rhythm?
CBAT starts playing in the background…
Not according to my maracas…
Just gotta show what those fingers can do
Yeah, but we slap and make the ground shake.
I love that. I’m going to say that at practice this weekend.
I had to turn down my Fender Rumble 500 because if I turn it to 5, it makes my pants flap like I’m in front of a fan, and it caused enough vibration to make one of my drummers crash stands fall over lol
F Rumbles are great. That’s a great example why lol
Now you just have to use the threat of turning it up to end discussions
- Ryo Yamada
No. That’s a cartoon drawing.
Be upset. We’re talking about actual real people.
! will welcome you.
:)))) thank you
Look, everyone knows that the bass player carries the band>!'s gear!<
Jokes on you, I’m colourblind
Then how did you know this was a joke at all?
It’s about bass players.