I think it means more like Great Trump. The 离了个 part means great. 特朗普 means Trump. Google thinks the complete phrase means The Great War but that’s not really right either because the last 3 chars defo mean Trump
DeepL says “Away from a Trump”. Says 离了个 means be divorced and 特朗普 means Donald Trump (1946-), USDemocratpolitician, president from 2009… Makes even less sense.
That first character is more routinely a character that indicates departing from a space / location but in this example, it’s definitely not being used like that.
I think it means more like Great Trump. The 离了个 part means great. 特朗普 means Trump. Google thinks the complete phrase means The Great War but that’s not really right either because the last 3 chars defo mean Trump
DeepL says “Away from a Trump”. Says 离了个 means be divorced and 特朗普 means Donald Trump (1946-), US Democrat politician, president from 2009… Makes even less sense.
That first character is more routinely a character that indicates departing from a space / location but in this example, it’s definitely not being used like that.