Her father is suing.

She has a nut allergy and ate baklava? Because someone told her it didn’t have nuts in it? IT’S MADE OF NUTS!!! Did she eat it with her eyes closed?

She didn’t have an epi pen? She didn’t go to the school nurse? Checked out of school and took a walk instead? What? What?

I don’t have allergies, so someone please help me make sense of this. How could a seventeen year old with nut allergies eat baklava and head to CVS for some Benadryl afterwards?

Isn’t that an unusually bad series of decisions? Darwin Award level? I mean, if it wasn’t this, she might have died trying to dry her hair in the microwave.

  • it’s incautious of anyone to trust an unknown person’s word with a deadly food item

    Even a known person’s word. People fuck up. Someone who doesn’t have a peanut allergy doesn’t know that even TRACES of peanut can kill people who have the allergy. So they’ll read “may contain traces of peanuts” and not understand.

    When you have a lethal allergy you need to be prepared for good-natured ignorance and stupidity. And for a minor, it is on the parents that she wasn’t prepared.