Her father is suing.

She has a nut allergy and ate baklava? Because someone told her it didn’t have nuts in it? IT’S MADE OF NUTS!!! Did she eat it with her eyes closed?

She didn’t have an epi pen? She didn’t go to the school nurse? Checked out of school and took a walk instead? What? What?

I don’t have allergies, so someone please help me make sense of this. How could a seventeen year old with nut allergies eat baklava and head to CVS for some Benadryl afterwards?

Isn’t that an unusually bad series of decisions? Darwin Award level? I mean, if it wasn’t this, she might have died trying to dry her hair in the microwave.

  • halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It literally tastes like huts and honeyz because that’s 2 of the 3 ingredients. As soon as it touches your tongue it’s clear it’s made of nuts.

    Whether she was told something wrong or not, there’s no reason a 17 year old should be completely ignorant of their deadly allergy, and the steps to take in response. They’re basically an adult, we’re not talking about a little child here.

    • wcSyndrome@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Do you think someone who has a “deadly allergy” knows what their allergen tastes like?

      • halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        The people I know with nut allergies 100% know what other nuts taste like and are confident they can extrapolate to figure out if they’re given what they can’t have. They also all carry epi-pens because their nut allergies are severe. A couple have accidentally had that particular nut, usually that’s how they found out they were allergic in the first place. So maybe not all, but my personal sample size of 4 has a 100% rate of knowing what their issue is and how to identify it. And that’s not including acquaintances I don’t know personally but know stories from.

        • On top of that, a lot of lethal allergies are spontaneously developed. You’re walking around chowing down on peanuts until one day you puff up, turn red, and can’t breathe. Almost half the people with such allergies developed them in adulthood. The presence of food allergies doubles in late adolescence. There’s a very good chance at age 17 that she knows what nuts taste like.