Omg I came here to comment exactly this. Such a luxury
You know, you could bring a water bottle to the bathroom and one of these pocket sized bidet caps and nobody would really know. Unless you chose a crinkly bottle I guess
Um… my dude… I’m going to need a lot more water pressure than that…
That being said, I wonder if you could make an adapter for a battery powered paint sprayer… or just give zero fucks and leave a pressure washer in the stall. Obviously not full power, but pressure wouldn’t be an issue then.
Omg I came here to comment exactly this. Such a luxury
You know, you could bring a water bottle to the bathroom and one of these pocket sized bidet caps and nobody would really know. Unless you chose a crinkly bottle I guess
That is a phenomenal tip right there!! Didn’t know these products existed, thanks a ton.
20 years ago I worked with a woman with a special water bottle. Everybody knew.
Well I hope she owned it, though if pre-covid probably not. Sentiment has shifted a little since the great tp shortage.
If I was her today I’d fuckin own it. Already use those portable ones to shit in the woods.
Um… my dude… I’m going to need a lot more water pressure than that…
That being said, I wonder if you could make an adapter for a battery powered paint sprayer… or just give zero fucks and leave a pressure washer in the stall. Obviously not full power, but pressure wouldn’t be an issue then.
If you have the accessibility to leave a functioning pressure washer in the stall… you could just get a bidet installed.