Saw a post mentioning an old Scottish gentleman that had saved a bottle of whiskey to drink the day Margaret Thatcher died. And I’m quite sure he enjoyed the drink.

So my question to the community, what’s the best drink for the day any major politician finally kicks the bucket? Should it be your own favorite spirit, or something to denote the character, and vitriol, of the deceased? Something sweet to enjoy the day, or harsh to remember the bitterness of their character?

I’m trying to plan a shelf for my dining room. Each bottle labeled for who they’re waiting for.

  • Not Chad
    2 months ago

    you know whats even better than just having a drink for each of them its having a whole shelf dedicated to the demise of the deep state and the globalist elite its like a symbol of resistance against their control and manipulation and lets be real its also a great excuse to stock up on some good liquor i mean who needs a reason to drink when you can just say youre fighting the system and im not saying im a professional or anything but having a well stocked shelf is just good planning and its not like youre gonna drink it all by yourself or anything no way its just for special occasions like the downfall of the corrupt politicians who have been holding us back for so long and also for tuesdays and thursdays and fridays and pretty much every day because were living in crazy times and a drink or two can help take the edge off every couple hours

    edit i accidentally used an apostrophe