This is probably the wildest assumption I’ve heard so far.

  • The
    2 months ago

    to me it’s a matter of that everyone everywhere is victims to brainwashing. it’s more and less intense depending on where you are, but ultimately, any genocide anywhere requires the isolation and manipulation of everyone everywhere. nationalism and religious radicalism only get survive through the eras by tricking us into not seeing eachother for who we really are. it’s easier to convince someone that america is better than their homeplace if their homeplace is made terrible. it’s easier to convince americans they’re better for being american if america can make living other places worse. then you trick the people who make being american their whole personality into believing they have to keep people from shithole countries out or risk america becoming a shithole. and this is every imperial state.

    the way i see it, the system of torture we exist in is enabled, enforced, and continued to benefit a small cabal of powerful men who hate everyone and everything