According to my kids:
0-30 is young.
31-60 is middle aged.
61-90 is old.
Over 90 is fucking old.
How fucking old are your kids for them to say that? Real kids would definitely say that 25 is approaching retirement age.
I’m scared shitless that I will make it to 100.
This. No one realizes that your probably not gonna make it to 100 in perfect health. If your body doesn’t go, it will be your mind. Either way, it does not sound appealing.
If nothing else, the arthritis has gotten so bad, you wanna off yourself anyways.
Hard pass.
I’m 37 and already broken.
My back is killing me, the sciatica makes sitting down hard. My ankle is fucked from too many injuries doing shit like tough mudder because when you’re young you’re invincible. Top that off with an immune disorder and asthma and it’ll be a miracle if I make it to 50 with a good quality of life.