Probably been posted here given the community slogan, but oh well
Dang Lilith gets me every time.
Makin’ your way in the Milky Way takes everything you’ve got.
Takin’ a break from all your duties sure would help a lot.
Wouldn’t you like a holo-day?
And sometimes you wanna go
where nobody sees you play.
And nobody knows you came.
You wanna be where crew can’t see
your tribbles and all your shame.
You wanna go where computers only know
your game.
I recognize this is TNG-specific, but wasn’t Mulgrew also in an episode of Cheers?
She’s in the meme, right below the words, right?
Sorry if I misunderstood you.
Oh, interesting. The client I was using cut off the top of the meme. That’s new. I didn’t even see Kirstie Alley or the words at all.
Kirstie Alley looked a lot different on Cheers. She kinda looked like Shelly Long and/or Shooter McGavin.
I knew it!
Morn is named Morn because it’s an anagram of Norm.
I’m assuming that’s the joke bc it’s the only one where the actors aren’t the same.
They fill the same role, though. Always at the bar and won’t shut up.
Holy cow. Today I learned. Seems really obvious in hindsight.
Didn’t that last guy eat shit for breakfast?
Wow, I didn’t know Shooter McGavin also played Saavik. That’s some impressive makeup.
New to me. Fucking awesome.
Ron Canada was way better as The Klingon Lawyer in that episode the empire tried to frame Worf.
Cliff looks good in the Starfleet bomber jacket.
You don’t have the right Cheers pic next to Kirstie Alley.
Wrong costume for Major Bren Derlin.
Still no contact from Skywalker or Solo… 😞