I imagine it’s gonna be tough to top the classic Wrap it Up approach, especially as we discover all the strange new STIs. Physical separation is important for all kinds of things
Riker programmed the computer to have the condom materialize on his dong. He’s still perfecting the mechanics of having it transport midthrust just as he’s about to…fire his torpedoes, full spread.
I wonder how many similar technologies Riker is responsible for:-).
Instant site-to-site transporting condoms, probably
Do they use condoms in Star Trek? I presume would be a much better standard for birth control and disease prevention by that point.
I imagine it’s gonna be tough to top the classic Wrap it Up approach, especially as we discover all the strange new STIs. Physical separation is important for all kinds of things
“Computer, emergency protocol 68 on my location”
box of condoms materializes on nearby table
Riker programmed the computer to have the condom materialize on his dong. He’s still perfecting the mechanics of having it transport midthrust just as he’s about to…fire his torpedoes, full spread.
That man could make me smile no matter what mood I’m in
He’s got a whole hospital on Risa named after him. As well as their innoculation protocol.