Which rpg are you talking about? I’ve played a lot of Cyberpunk 2077 and a lot of this doesn’t sound like the game I’ve played
Which rpg are you talking about? I’ve played a lot of Cyberpunk 2077 and a lot of this doesn’t sound like the game I’ve played
Sounds like what they’re saying. Basically, if tomorrow like 80-90% of ppl got implants, but same number of shootings and attacks happened as happen now, im sure there would be plenty of people calling it something very similar. And still blaming everything by the societal ills that led us here. “It’s guns, it’s mental health, it’s bullying, it’s blah, it’s blah.”
Everything but the overarching truth that we are extremely disenfranchised and beaten down and made insignificant in a system that literally runs on us for the good of the system.
The absolute back asswards orientation. We are the most advanced society ever known, but we serve capital and the idea of the capitalist system. We sacrifice ourselves for it, our bodies, our families, our time, our passions and dreams. To serve capitalism.
It’s the absurdity of the truth. This is an absurd existence. Why not act absurdly? It’s malaise or it’s psychosis. Most of us just err on the side of malaise.
But also more retro
You think I perverted the term “productivity?” That fits very much into my point.
So do your hobbies. Why would that ever be something you think I’m railing against? I’m saying, when we do nothing sometimes, it’s a revolutionary act. That obviously does not mean “only ever do nothing.” If you enjoy doing something, do it. I didn’t think that needed to be clarified after an anti-capitalist rant.
Jesus, who’s are people possibly taking this to mean “do nothing or else!”
Don’t let the concept of productivity ruin your desire to relax. I’m pretty sure I said your time is yours, don’t let anyone tell you how to not spend it, especially this amorphous concept of “productivity.”
There’s a pandemic of “productivity” and hustle culture, people are turning their entire lives into ways to make more money. That’s way more sad than doing nothing.
There’s obviously things you do for yourself to maintain your life, which are different than what I was talking about.
Spending your time “productively” is a capitalist brainwashing tool. They already exploit you in your working hours, five days a week, all day. They came for our off hours with the advent of newer technologies. They came for our third spaces because they implied you were allowed to live your life outside of spending or producing capital. And they’re here, already vying for your small sliver “you” time because that doesn’t churn the gears of this life sucking system.
Fight the fucking system. Do goddamn nothing and enjoy it. Don’t let them guilt you into thinking your life is wasted if you’re not “producing.” Fuck them.
All of our time should be “us” time. If you enjoy watching YT videos, great. You can learn a lot, you can laugh a lot, or you can just relax. All of this is fine.
Work steals much more of our life and pays us in fuckin pennies. And exploitation.
Hah I was curious when I read the comments initially, but definitely not curious enough to look it up and I totally forgot about it after I closed the thread.
Save me a search query because I don’t care about them and don’t want to add any results, is she really just some person, or was she just a smaller celebrity?
Deep transcendental meditation.
Also, I thouht astral projection was nonsense, but I tried it, skeptically, and it’s interesting. It’s like out-of-body dreaming.
Also, ketamine.
My favorite ITYSL sketch
This doesn’t look like it was done in pencil
Well, I know this is a somewhat hot take, but the 2013 Evil Dead reimagining is really good. Suuuuper violent, but all done with practical effects. Really cool. And they did this whole “evil item” thing really well. I think it’s done better than any other movie I’ve seen with the trope. The whole time, one of the characters is being just beaten to shit but they’re clinging to life with everything they have because they’re so scared of what awaits them in hell.
That movie stuck with me for a few reasons, but the effect they managed to get with the whole sense of doom for these characters was so well done. Accomplished with a few choice lines and scenes that are just brutal and, well, evil.
If you can handle the gore, I recommend it
It used to be a constant conversation when we would go out to eat. My dad would say, “I think someone is smoking in this section!”
I feel like it’s probably the people from the ~1880s-1920s would know the smell of the world today
And the tiny one is for breaking the knee caps of the ownership class!
It’s that none of the damn youths are holding up their damn whozewhatsit comflabbed iphones! And they respected their damn elders! They had table manners and they were racist as fuck and we liked that!
But the presidents of the United States of America cover.