Thanks! definitely aiming for a stupid easy installation/management for the app itself; but in my experience getting a wide range of supported log sources is no small feat. I’ve been using fluentbit to handle collection from different sources and using the following has been working well for me:
- docker ‘journald’ log driver
- fluentbit ‘systemd’ input
- fluentbit ‘http’ output like the one in the readme
with that setup you can search for container logs by name which works great with compose:
or process logs from an nginx container like this to see traffic from external hosts:
I’ll add a more complete example to the docs, but if you look in the repo there’s a complete example for receiving and ingesting syslog that you can run with just “docker compose up”
Applications like metrics because they’re good for doing statistics so you can figure out things like “is this endpoint slow” or “how much traffic is there”
Security teams like logs because they answer questions like “who logged in to this host between these times?” Or “when did we receive a weird looking http request”, basically any time you want to find specific details about a single event logs are typically better; and threat hunting does a lot of analysis on specific one time events.
Logs are also helpful when troubleshooting, metrics can tell you there’s a problem but in my experience you’ll often need logs to actually find out what the problem is so you can fix it.