Meh, i feel that Lemmy people need to touch some grass or something.
This is something that looks like would fit right in in r/im14andthisisdeep or something.
What movie or show is this from?
Pink Floyd’s The Wall. It is required viewing.
Free Willy (just kidding)
What movie or show is this from?
Thanks, had no idea they made a movie from the album.
The movie actually incorporates the album very well. IIRC, that’s on purpose (they intended to make the movie when mixing the album).
It’s a good one too.
I was fortunate to have seen it in theaters when it was released. My date was a girl that was out of my league that ended up being my prom date too. Good memories associated with that film.
I do want to warn you it hits hard. The album hits hard and the visuals really twist the knife.
Watch it, it’s brilliant.
Wow when I was in High School, I’m pretty sure all the male students were just issued a copy of The Wall on cassette, album, CD, and VHS. Do they not have pot where you live?
Do they not have pot where you live? Made me laugh so hard that I choked on a dab.
Free will is a concept invented by St Augustine to get God off the hook for the garden of eden fiasco. There is nowhere in science that supports the notion of a self somehow separate from the causal nature of the universe.
Free will as an adult:
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The concept of free will is way older than Christianity. Even the story of the Garden predates Christ, as does the book of Job which addresses free will directly. And the concept of a “clockwork” universe is quite out of date too. Many phenomena are probabilistic while some phenomena have no cause at all (big bang).
st augustine didn’t even call it freewill, later catholic scholars came up with that bullshit.
If you are so inclined, reading up on compatilism might complicate the distinction you make between free will and the causal nature of the universe. ;)
Based off science the notion of self itself is a mere illusion. Wich probably is cause to the one of free will.
As for the causal nature of the universe, it’s one of the strong hypothesis, but we don’t have a definite proof for it.
This is unrealistic. Those showers would be an open floor plan. Gen X wrote so many songs and movies about hating cubicals that were not allowed to have any walls now.