I could have done without this knowledge
Should we discuss fingerless gloves?
Nah, no point in taking about pure fiction, mate.
handerpants are real and you cant tell me otherwise
Like a funky fabric birth.
This is how I learned to stop misspelling necessary: your shirt has one color and two sleeves.
so, nessacery?
Thanks, I’m the perfect kind of dumb that I will remember this while forgetting how to spell nessicary every time.
For some reason I thought this was about human bodies at first
I also thought it was a sex reference
it doesnt even go all the way through, it just edges there until you pull out
I prefer this copy
That’s clearly a button down, which is: wraps around and two arm holes.
what’s interesting is that topologically, shirts only have 3 holes. so you’re entering one hole and then, shortly afterwards, leaving that hole in addition to the two other ones.
Topologically, you’re entering and exiting the 3 holes.
this guy doesn’t even know about the 3 holes!
Topologicall, my shirts often have more than 3 holes.
same unfortunately
Topologically a definition of a hole is so far removed from everyday life that I can’t helpt but see people bringing it up as anything but extremely disingenuous pendats.
You forgot the holes for the buttons.
If it’s afull button up then it’s only got 2 holes, plus all the button holes.
This is my hole, it was made for me!
Technically, it’s going out of 4 since you never put your whole body through the first hole.
Wait until you learn about zip-up onesies and how they break mathematics.
You’ve piqued my interest. You got some o’ them links?
Sure, here’s a pretty good high-level overview to at least get you started:
It’s still a very new field, so I think there are more questions than answers, at this stage.
Does the zip make a difference??
I mean…you tell me?
tl;dr: I’d call it a pretty big fucking difference. It changes the math completely.
Same with jeans if you’re a lucky enough dude.
The presidency has been kidnapped by clowns.
Are you a lucky enough dude to resuce the presidency?
If a straw has one hole a shirt has two.