*living in most European citiies with less than 500,000 inhabitants.
At least Western Europeans had colonies where people might have moved to the country from, Eastern Europeans could not even travel or be travelled to until 1990.
BTW, isn’t a sellement below 500k more like a big town rather than a city?
Public education is pretty bad in Romania, huh?
Cabral is half-Congolese. We also have another famous biracial man called Kamara - half Guinean, who used to be part of a pop group called Alb Negru (White Black🥴).
I’m sorry about your experience. I know we’re still pretty backwards, but things are at least moving forward on that front compared to say 20 years ago.
Hah. I once chided some Romanian guys for staring at black people and they answered that “there just aren’t any around here, if you saw an elf walking down the street you’d stare, too”.
To this day I still don’t know if it was a brilliant or terrible argument. Or both. I feel you either way.
Makes me think of those “white woman visiting India” videos where it’s just a sea of Indians staring
“Your Romanian is great! When did you learn it?”
Only if they don’t have one of the 7 names that all Romanians have lol.
(No hate on Romanians here, lots of great experience working with them and visiting the country)
then it’s definitely ALL CAPS: “WHY ARE YOU BLACK???”
Do you speak Nigerian? Or African?
No, I speak Yoruba.
But you said you’re Nigerian