pineapple + jalapeno = best veggie pizza ever
I like Pineapple jalapeno and pepperoni, but the magic is the pineapple and jalapeno. It almost creates a whole new flavor and it’s awesome.
You monster.
I’ll say it again: tuna, onions and pineapple pizza rocks.
Where can I find a pineapple pizza rock?
Just overcook pizza rolls.
Pepperoni and pineapple pizza is a game changer. Upgrade that ham!
Pineapple and tomato, too.
I’m a fan of pineapple, red onion, and black olive. The black olives provide the salty kick you’d get from the meats.
It sounds weird, but it’s an absolute win.
No, no, this sounds incredible!
Salty, spicy, sweet.
Step it up one more time with some red onions, red bell pepper, and pepperoncinis. Sometimes I also like hot Italian sausage in that mix, too.
(It is to be noted I make pizza at home, so I go all out and don’t stop at two toppings. I’m bad at baking so I use this super simple dough recipe.)
I’ve loved that combo for years. Got my grandson hooked on it too!
Sweet and salty just don’t go well together with rare exceptions
I’m not sure I’ve ever stumbled across a worse opinion. Amazing. Well done.
Seems so. I cannot for the life of me understand how people like things such as salty chocolate or salted caramel
Always has been
I do not like pizza (it’s half a cheese toastie), but if I had to have a slice, Hawaiian is the sole option.
It’s the sweet and tart, just like some olives.
Juiced and used in a pina colada is the only acceptable use for pineapple.
Try a jungle bird next time. Far superior.
Piña Colada is good, but try frying the rings in a 2:1 mix of brown sugar to butter until tender, then boil down the sauce into a caramel of sorts.
This guys makin a Ham Glaze.
That sounds like the top of a pineapple upside down cake, which is the dish that taught me I don’t like pineapple.
Oh, you shoulda just said you hate pineapple instead of beating around the bush in your first content.
Pineapple on pizza isn’t bad, it just feels… disjointed. It’s like I’m happily chewing on pizza, with all the expected flavors and textures. Yum. Suddenly, there’s pineapple there for some reason. It doesn’t mesh with the other flavors. It stands out too much. Pineapple dominates instead of blending in. It’s not that I don’t like it, or that I can’t appreciate the whole “salty and sweet” combination, but there’s no balance or harmony. That’s what I’m not a fan of.
The fuck bland ass pizza you been eating that pineapple can overwhelm anything?
What kind of bland-ass pineapple are you eating?
Probably only cheese I’ve known people who literally won’t eat any other pizza.
Like just cheese? It should at least have flavour in the tomato sauce and seasoning no?
Edit: tbf I have never eaten plain cheese pizza unless you mean margarita which I don’t like either
With the typical sauce. You’d be surprised how little people are willing to explore pizza.
In fact, if people say that pizza is their favorite food, they’re almost 100% implying a cheese pizza.
And I worked at a busy pizza joint across from a college campus. More than 70% of all pizzas were a basic cheese or a very slight variant.
That’s crazy. I struggle with not adding ‘everything’ when I make pizza at home.
Ham, chicken, salami, mushroom, capsicum, onion, crushed garlic, pineapple, Italian herbs, a cheese blend, maybe an egg or two, then a drizzle of aioli after it’s cooked.
Damn, now I’m hungry.
If you mean margherita… A good margherita is still really tasty, putting the quality of the dough, sauce and cheese on display
No. I mean like your typical Domino’s cheese pizza.
I… I don’t eat domino’s, but you mean something like Quattro Formaggi, right?
Pizza dough.
Tomato sauce.
1 shredded cheese.
If the cheese is mozzarella, like it should be on a pizza, then that’s a margherita
I’m willing to accept that there may be good pineapple pizza out there… but the question is WHY? It’s never going to be better than the established greats. Why are people infatuated with an inferior alternative? I don’t know man, but it keeps me up at night
Agreed, I don’t hate it, but to me it’s like I’m just eating pineapple and pizza at the same time. I love both, but eating both at once doesn’t add anything for me and I don’t think the tastes go together very well. I’d enjoy either one more on its own.
I wanted to post the “everyone disliked that” meme but I’m clearly in the minority. Perhaps even more so as I love both black and green olives on my pizza 😋
To each their own! If anyone else likes olives I’ll be over here enjoying my abomination alone.
Olive mushroom pizza is my go to pizza.
You bitches wouldn’t listen!
I wonder if people who hate it are hating it after actually trying it, or they are just instinctually repulsed by the idea itself.
I’ll eat it whole if I’m somewhere I won’t pick the pineapple off and flick it in the garbage, and there’s no other type of pizza. I wouldn’t think of ordering it on purpose.
Good Hawaiian Pizza is great and mediocre Hawaiian Pizza is terrible. It needs to be piled high with sweet pineapple and salty ham or some other pork. It’s really easy to get mediocre Hawaiian Pizza.
I grew up with pineapple, canadian bacon, and black olives. So good but hard agree. So easy to mess up if the ingredients are sub par.
Some probably hate it because it’s a meme to hate it
I do not like it. I don’t like pineapple that is warm in any context.
I also don’t give a fuck, I just pretend it’s a mortal sin in the internet because acting extremely passionate about something so stupid and banal makes me giggle
wait until you guys hear about feta cheese on pizza. at this point i will add the feta to the pizza myself if i have to.
Oh my god feta is amazing, why have I never thought about adding it to pizza
The important thing is that the pineapple is small chunk sized so that it cools down with the rest of the toppings when it comes out of the oven. I had it once where the pineapple was larger than an olive and because they have so much liquid to retain heat they were still too hot to eat when the rest of the pizza had cooled off.